Business Directory Search Manufacturing, Production & Wholesale All Categories... Assembly & ManufacturningCoffee ServiceManufacturingTarp Manufacturing go Results Found: 6 Button group with nested dropdown Covers Unlimited Covers Unlimited 13140 Hooper Rd. Central LA 70818 (225) 261-4057 Community Coffee Company, LLC Community Coffee Company, LLC 3332 Partridge Lane, Bldg. B Baton Rouge LA 70809 (225) 368-4101 CC's Coffee House of Central CC's Coffee House of Central 14375 Grand Settlement Blvd Ste A Central LA 70818 (225) 283-8000 Baton Rouge Coca-Cola Bottling Compan... Baton Rouge Coca-Cola Bottling Company 9696 Plank Rd. Baton Rouge LA 70811 (225) 297-7316 The Hausse at Central Square The Hausse at Central Square 14340 Wax Rd Suite 101 Baton Rouge LA 70818 (225) 256-7142 Custom Metal Works Custom Metal Works 15353 Hooper Rd. Central LA 70739 (225) 261-1503